Saturday, May 25, 2013

Garden Pics

My backyard goes through so many gardening phases during the year but I'm always happy when things really start to bloom in the summer. My garden is in a good "bloom" phase right now, so I wanted to share some pics. To see more of my backyard, click HERE

The butterfly bush is going strong. :)

Here's one of the vitex trees.

Vitex blooms up close

The vitex is virtually maintenance free. It thrives in our heat.

This yellow esperanza blooms all summer long.

I finally found a spot where the blue plumbago is happy. :)

The orange esperanza does just as well as the yellow one.

I've had these begonias for years. They just keep coming back year after year. 

I finally had to replace my petunias. They just couldn't take the heat. The yellow one is melampodium, on the bottom of the plant stand is ageratum, and in the pot to the right is angelonia.

We also planted a white angelonia.

Jett, Cal, and Jim are enjoying the warm weather. :)

I'm trying this scaevola in the window box. We'll see how it does in the heat. 

The knockout roses are still doing great!

Hope y'all enjoyed the pics! Now I can't wait for the crepe myrtles to start blooming. :)

I'm joining these parties: Cottage Garden PartySunday Showcase PartyAmaze Me MondayInspire Me TuesdayTuesdays At Our HomeWow Us WednesdayCreate It ThursdayGrace At HomeFlaunt It Friday


  1. So beautiful! My parents always had vitex trees in the yard. Everything looks amazing. It has been pouring rain here this weekend. Have you gotten any?

  2. You have some beautiful flowers there at your house! My butterfly bushes aren't blooming yet. You're obviously in a hotter climate than me. You've got some plants that I've never heard of. I guess they're native to your area. So pretty! What zone are you in? I'm in zone 7.

  3. Your gardens are beautiful, Lisa. I enjoyed seeing the photos!

    1. Thank you, Pat! I love this time of year with all the blooming flowers!

  4. Love the vitex trees, your garden is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Thanks, Christine! I can't believe I didn't plant those vitex trees sooner. :) Thank you for your kind comment!

  5. I love seeing pictures of your beautiful yard full of pretty flowers! I had a Vitex tree when I lived in Las Vegas and it is the prettiest tree! I am happy to find out they do well in Texas.

  6. Lisa,

    Your flowers are so pretty in your yard. I am still getting use to gardening down here in SC. So different than PA. Love the Vitex trees, never heard of them until now.

    Hope you had a lovely weekend.


  7. We planted a Vitex tree about 13 years ago (can it really be that long ago?) in north Texas. It is now about 20 feet tall and almost as wide. The birds, bees, butterflies, and cats love it. Several seedlings have sprouted over the years, and I've given most of them away to friends. Yes, it is virtually maintenance free and extremely drought tolerant.

    You must live farther south in Texas than I do because my tree is in full bud, but the color hasn't shown yet. Any day now!

    I am now a follower on bloglovin'.


  8. Your garden is gorgeous and so many beautiful plants and flowers. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  9. Your flowers are beautiful! I love the vitex tree.

    1. Thank you very much! That vitex tree is becoming one of my favorite things in the yard. :)

  10. What a gorgeous backyard! Being in a much warmer location than us you sure are ahead with your garden, it looks amazing:) Can't wait for mine to start blooming!!

    1. Thanks, Krista! We do have a long growing season, but we also have to endure extreme heat all summer long. LOL! I still wish I had your view!! :)

  11. You garden looks so pretty. You have a lot more blooms than I do at this time. My butterfly bush has starting buds but no color yet. Our crepe myrtle doesn't bloom until August..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  12. I enjoyed the tour of your gardens. The vitex tree is new to me, would love to grow it here with those pretty purple blooms but our cold winters would surely kill it.

  13. Such different flowering trees and shrubs you have! They all look so pretty too. My garden is just fading from the spring blooms, but I've enjoyed looking out the windows plenty at all the colour! Wendy :)

    1. Thank you, Wendy! Pretty soon I'll be watering the potted plants once a day, sometimes twice a day depending on the heat. :)

  14. your orange esperanza is fabulous everything looks so pretty... The scaevola loves heat so it should do great for ya.. Happy weekend. hugs, Cherry

  15. Such gorgeous, vibrant blooms! Love the Vitex! You have a beautiful garden. xo

  16. Thank you, Karen! It's hard to find things that will tolerate our heat, but it seems the Vitex is going to thrive. :) Thank you for your visit! Have a great weekend!

  17. woow.... your garden is beautiful :)
    and do not miss...


    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  18. You have some beautiful blooms going on at your place! thanks for sharing at Fishtail Cottage's garden party! xoox, tracie

  19. Well you have a beautiful yard! Such pretty blooms!
    Thanks for vising my patio refresh,



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