Since I'm a new blogger, I thought I'd do a post like this so you can learn a little more about me. :) An alternate title for this post could have been "10 things about me you could have gone the rest of your life without knowing." :)
1. I'm left handed. (obviously these aren't going to be interesting things. :) Actually, my hubby and I are both left handed, but all our kids are right handed. Go figure.
2. I'm TERRIFIED of frogs. I can't even touch a stuffed animal frog. Nope, not gonna happen. It's so bad, I should probably seek professional help. Seriously.
3. I can only eat a banana the FIRST day I bring it home from the store. It has to still have a little green on it. After the first day, forget it. I'm not touching it after it's gone bad. To me, "gone bad" means "no more green on it."
4. I NEVER leave the house without makeup. Like, never. I don't really even go out to the mailbox without makeup on. LOL! In 14 years of doing school drop offs/pick ups, I've never gone through the line without makeup. How silly is that? :) When I was in college, I lived in a newly renovated dorm and they were constantly having problems with the fire alarms. They would go off at all hours in the night. Every single time it went off in the middle of the night, I'd sneak into the bathroom and quickly apply a little make up before evacuating the dorm. It's not as bad as it sounds...we knew it wasn't a real fire because the alarms went off all the time. At least we hoped it wasn't a real fire. :)
5. Every single Thursday night in our house is "Fend For Yourself Night." Meaning everyone has to fend for themselves for dinner. I've heard some people call it "YOYO" night for "you're on your own." I LOVE Thursdays because I don't have to cook. Also, every single Friday is "Pizza Friday." I love not cooking on Thursday and Friday.
6. I love movies. I love everything about them. I'd love to be a fly on the wall watching how a movie is made. I'd be in absolute heaven sitting in on meetings about everything from music selection, casting, editing, location scouting, etc. I can watch the same movies over and over. I LOVE to re-watch a movie while listening to the commentary and watching all the extras. Wes Anderson is one of my favorite directors and that's not just because he's a fellow Texan. :)
7. I'm a huge animal lover. I can't stand to see an animal (or a person for that matter) in pain. Those Sarah McLachlan SPCA commercials get me every single time. I immediately tear up. When I was little, I was always bringing (sometimes dragging) strays animals home, all the while insisting they "followed" me home. :) I think my mom knew better. Ha!
8. I love to travel. If I won the lottery, I think one of the first things I'd do would be to travel all over the world. My oldest son shares my love of travel. I'd love to just drop everything and take off for London or Paris. Or both. Yes, definitely both. And Italy.
9. When I was in first grade, I decided I wanted to be called Jan. (as in Jan Brady from The Brady Bunch...LOL!) I just decided this one day all on my own. When my teacher called on me, I didn't answer because she called me "Lisa" and not "Jan." This eventually led to a parent/teacher conference. :) They decided I had to answer to "Lisa" and I had to put my real name on my papers, but then I could put Jan in parenthesis next to it. This was acceptable to me. :)
10. I've always wanted to live in California. Ever since I can remember. I think it's partly because it's so hot here in Texas and California has such pretty weather. Whenever I'm in Cali, I'm so content and happy. I'm always going on and searching towns all over Cali. Wishful thinking, I guess.
11. On any given day, you can find me in yoga pants (which I've never actually done yoga in) a t-shirt and Reef flip flops. I do dress up a bit when I go out shopping, etc. "Dress up" means jeans, a nicer t-shirt and flip flops with a necklace and earrings. I almost always wear jewelry when I leave the house.
12. I have a habit of abbreviating words. Like for instance, sometimes if I'm at Starbucks, I'll text my son and say "SBUX?" He knows this means I'm at Starbucks and I want to know if he wants anything. Another example is "JITB" that's short for Jack In The Box. When I write half and half on my grocery list, it looks like this "1/2 & 1/2." You get the picture. Well, I often buy a 5 pound bag of potatoes at the grocery store. (you can see what's coming, can't you?) :) I always abbreviate it like this "bag of pot." I JUST realized that for about 20 years, I've had "BAG OF POT" on my grocery list!! LOL! Too funny! I can't believe it took me so long to realize what that looked like. Ha!
Are you still awake after all that boring randomness? Ha! If you've made it this far, then God bless you! I'd love to hear some new things about y'all too. And y'all know I can't post without a pic, so here are just a few. I pulled these from my phone, so they're not the best quality. These were all taken back during Christmas when we first got our kitten, Holly.
Here she is IN one of the trees. :) |
And here she is IN one of the other trees. She would NOT stay out of them. It obviously didn't bother me too much because I always stopped to take a pic before getting her down. LOL! |
Here she is enjoying herself Christmas morning. She had a ball with all the wrapping paper. :) |