Monday, May 28, 2018

Finn, Doves and Pies

Every year at this time, two doves come and make a nest above our front door. This is Finn's first summer with us and he's obsessed with watching them! Actually it's more like stalking. Lol! 

He stands guard like this for a long time. 

Still at it, but moved to the window sill. He chatters at them non stop. He mimics the "chattering" sound of a bird in order to try and draw them close to him so he can, them. Yikes! Good thing there is a window between them. 

UPDATE: Sadly, this happened the other day...

So sad. That mama dove worked so hard on building this nest. I need to review my security cam to see if I can figure out what happened. 

And to end on a lighter note, I had to share these yummy pies I made the other day. They're Pink Lemonade Pies, but I didn't add the red food coloring, so they're just a very light pink. They're made with frozen pink lemonade concentrate. So yummy and refreshing! 

Refrigerator pies are very popular in the south in the summer. :) 

Do you have a favorite summer dessert?



  1. Finn is so sweet. I love hearing a cat chirping at birds. Pink lemonade pies are so yummy! One of my favs.

    1. Thank you, Heather! Finn keeps us busy, for sure. :) I love pink lemonade pies too. It's been a while since I made one and they're just as good as I remember.

  2. I hate seeing the nest crashed down but that happens. Yes we love cold pies! I make a lemon pie quite often that just uses the juice of two lemons. It's so good. I made this one the other day and we loved every bite!

    1. Oh, I'm definitely looking into that pie recipe! Thanks! I love cold pies in the summer. :)

  3. Awww that is too bad about the doves nest. Sad. Probably some other animal might have gotten to the nest and knocked it down. The pies look so yummy and a nice desert for summer. Happy New Week. Hope your memorial day was great.

    1. I know, so sad about the nest. Poor mama bird. I keep hearing doves right outside the door, so maybe they're considering trying again with another nest. Hope your week is great!

  4. Abby does the same thing when doves happen to come onto the patio to have a little snoop...especially when the door is open (screen closed, of course). Lately it's more likely to be a bunny rather than a dove. So sad about the dove nest. We have tons of doves here. Often in the early morning or early evening, they will be lined up on the block fencing and on the neighbors' roof peaks...always reminds me of the movie "The Birds!"

    I have a favorite "lemonade icebox dessert" recipe, but mine has a Ritz cracker crust...sooo good, which is why I have not made it in quite awhile. Maybe I'll make it for our next neighborhood block party....always better for me if I make things like that for a crowd and not have any leftovers!

    Hope you are having a great week, Lisa!

    1. It's so funny how attracted they are to birds. Finn has the look of determination on his face when he sees one. Lol! And too funny about the movie The Birds! Yikes! That lemonade icebox dessert sounds amazing, especially with that crust. Yum!

  5. Oh no! That's so sad. We found a baby bird who must've just hatched and been robbed from its nest the other day. My kids were so upset. I much prefer watching them fly your kitty! And your pie looks devious. I love a cold chocolate pudding pie. Haven't done that one in a while..Maybe time!

    1. Aww...poor baby bird! I hate hearing that. They're so defenseless at birth. I haven't had a cold chocolate pudding pie in ages! Yum!!!

  6. Your Finn is a cutie! Mimicking the birds is hilarious! Sad about the nest, birds can be quite strange about where they make nests. We have them all over at the lakehouse. We had one on the covered patio built at the top of a faux wreath. The baby robins had totally outgrown the nest and the mother was afraid to come under the roof to feed them while we were there. The problem was solved when the wreath fell down! They fled to the hedges and I'm sure Mama kept an eye on them!

    I didn't see the recipe for the pie and I would LOVE to make it!!


    1. It's so funny to see him mimicking the birds! I should try to get it on video sometime. That's too funny about the birds making their nest in the wreath! I guess it looked like a good spot to mama bird. Lol! The pie recipe is easy...6 ounces of frozen pink lemonade concentrate (thawed) 4 ounces cool whip (thawed) a 14 oz.can of sweetened condensed milk, 8 oz. cream cheese (softened) In mixer, beat cream cheese until fluffy. Gradually beat in sweetened condensed milk, then lemonade concentrate. Fold in cool whip and pour into baked pastry shell. (I used Keebler Nilla wafer pie shell) Chill 4 hours.

  7. I love nice cold frosty fridge pies in the summer! I dont think I've ever tried a pink lemonade one though....and it sure sounds good! Hope you're doing well, summer is upon us isn't it?

    1. Cold pies are so refreshing in the summer, I agree! Summer is for sure here in Texas. We were almost at 100º today. Thank goodness for a/c. :)


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