I made homemade bread again the other day...
My recipe only takes 30 minutes to prepare, then it's just waiting around for it to rise and bake. The whole process takes 2 hours, start to finish. Not a bad wait for this goodness...
Who can resist freshly baked bread with butter?...
Do y'all spend as much time in your laundry room as I do?
I remember the old days before kids when I could get away with doing laundry one day a week, and it was only a couple of loads. Now I do laundry on Sunday and Thursday and it's a lot more than two loads. I posted that pic of my laundry room on IG and got several messages asking what kind of laundry detergent I use. In case you're wondering this fascinating fact, here's the answer...
All Free and Clear
Such exciting information, right? :) I really do like this detergent though.
When I had the flu, I didn't make my bed for several days in a row. That's unheard of for me. So glad I'm back into my normal routine.
Actually, now I don't think I had the flu. I never went to the doctor and never got tested for the flu, but just figured that's what it was since so many people had it. It started out with chest congestion and nausea and led to three days of fever. Then more chest congestion and coughing. Then it went down to just a dry cough for a couple of weeks and mild nausea. The whole thing lasted three weeks.
My mom got the same thing and did go to the doctor. The doctor told her everyone who comes into his office has this same thing. He said even he got it and he's exposed to everything and never gets sick. He said it lasts for 4-6 weeks too. Can you believe that? He said it's not the flu, but more of a bronchial thing. Antibiotics won't do any good and the only thing you can do is take cough meds.
One of the worst parts was I had an aversion to coffee. I didn't drink it for over 2 weeks, then miraculously my taste buds wanted it again. I'm happily enjoying my morning coffee again, thank goodness.
By the way, what is the 'flu test'? Like, what do they do to test for the flu? I've always been curious about that.
Can you spot Finn in the pic below?
I'm trying to show different views of my home so y'all don't get bored. This is from the dining room, looking into the kitchen. I can't believe there wasn't a cat standing by the food bowls in this pic. They eat all the time in the winter, especially Finn.

By the way, I'm really loving my Amazon Echo. I use it all the time. My son had to get up early the other day, so I said "Alexa, remind me to wake up Logan at 8 am tomorrow." And at precisely 8 am the next day, she made her little music and said "Wake up Logan." I use her for a timer and ask her questions all the time. I was cooking something and needed to know how many tablespoons were in a 1/4 cup and she told me. :)
Speaking of measurements, I'm really enjoying the "measured fill" on my new fridge too. I just put a measuring cup under the water dispenser and press 'measured fill' for anywhere from 1/4 cup to 16 cups and hit the button, walk off, and it fills it for me and automatically stops when it reaches my desired amount. It's convenient for filling the coffee pot too. With all the capabilities of my fridge and Alexa, I feel like I'm living in a Jetson's episode! Lol!