Saturday, February 2, 2019

Inexpensive Earring Storage

So here's my DIY earring storage idea...

You take one 3 drawer box from Walmart ($13)...

Add a couple of $2 ice cube trays to each drawer...

And presto! You have a custom-ish storage area for your jewelry! 

 Each drawer holds 2 ice cube trays and each tray has 16 compartments...

A view from the top with all 3 drawers open. 

Perfect, right? And so much cheaper than those selling for $75 or more at "organizing stores." :) AND...the $75 ones only had about a dozen compartments. 

I organized them by color... all my gold and pink earrings.

 My silver, blue and white earrings.

 And every other color, along with some bracelets. 

They did have cheaper ice cube trays, but they were an aqua blue color and I really wanted the all white look, so I splurged on the $2 ones. :) 

They had all different size ice cube trays too. They had really large ones that would hold big pieces of jewelry. And oblong ones that would be great for bracelets. And of course you could store other things too. The possibilities are endless! 

You might remember when I bought these...

I still use them to store my necklaces. There are pockets on the back for earrings, but I ran out of pockets because of my earring addiction, hence the need for a new storage idea. :) 

 I love that the ice cube trays keep all my earrings separated so they won't get tangled and you could use them to store/organize so many other things too. Thanks for stopping by!



  1. This is such an awesome idea!!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Felicia! I love that I have some extra compartments too...for future purchases. ;)

  2. That is a great idea. I need to show my kids! We all have the QVC wall mounted, mirror front boxes, but can you believe they need more room? Kids!


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