Friday, January 25, 2019

Before and After...New Lamps!

I'm back with a full before and after of the new lamps! 

I'll be short and sweet with these descriptions. 

This is the "after" with the new blue and white chinoiserie lamps in the bedroom...

chinoiserie lamp

My nightstands are different heights, so I had to add some books under the lamp on the left to bring it up to the same height of the lamp on the right. 

blue and white chinoiserie

I love how the bigger, matching lamps look in the bedroom! I think it makes a substantial difference in the overall look in here. 

And now on to the living room lamps. A quick "before"...

And after with the new ginger jar lamp! 

ginger jar chinoiserie lamp

Once again, I think the bigger size is key. 

ginger jar

I love the scalloped edges on the shade...

And the matching finial...

And of course, I already painted the cord so it doesn't stand out. :) 

And last but not least, the other new lamp in the living room. Here's a "before"...

And after...

I can't tell you how much I love this floral one! I'm so happy it made the cut as it's even prettier in person.

I adore the crackly look it has...

And of course I painted this cord too. :) Can you see it in the pic below? I painted it to match the carpet. Ha ha!

And that's it for the new lamps! I had fun picking them out and I'm so happy with my choices. Buying online can be scary, but thankfully everything turned out great. Hope you all are having a wonderful day! 



  1. They look fantastic friend. Enjoy!

  2. Wow...what a difference a few lamps can make in a room! They look fantastic. And I love what you did with the cords. You can't even see them now. Fabulous! Enjoy the new view.


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