Friday, March 13, 2015

Couch To 5K App

I've been a little absent this week due to a horrible experience at the dentist. Ugh. Hopefully I can get caught up on blogging soon. So, on to happier thoughts...

Okay y'all, I did it. I finally got the Couch To 5K app on my phone. It's thrilling and kinda scary at the same time. Lol! 

I did "The 30 Day Shred" last year and also got an elliptical because I was getting bored with the treadmill. Those were fine, but lately I've been wanting to run again. 

So, I brought the treadmill back inside and downloaded the Couch to 5K app. If you're not familiar with it, it does all kinds of things, but basically it's an app for your phone that uses voice commands to tell you when to walk and when to jog and for how long. You start out with a brisk 5 minute walk to warm up, then you alternate between 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for about 20 minutes. The whole workout, including the warm up and cool down times, is about 30 minutes. 

Each week, it gradually increases the jog time and decreases the walk time until after about 9 weeks, you're supposed to be able to run a 5K (about 3.1 miles) in 30 minutes or less without stopping. So, basically, it's geared to helping you get off the couch and able to run a 5K, hence the name "Couch To 5K."

I know a few people who have completed it and now they run 5K's all the time. It really seems to work and I like that it is very gradual. 

 The workouts are set up to be done three times a week for 9 weeks and you're not supposed to do it two days in a row. I like that I can listen to my music while doing it and the voice on the app will interrupt to tell me when to start jogging, etc. 

There are several trainers you can choose from on the app too. They have a very calming female voice, a drill sergeant voice, and even a zombie voice that acts like he's chasing you. Ha ha! Whatever motivates you, right? :)

I'll keep y'all posted on how I'm doing, but so far I really like it.

In case you're wondering, I still haven't gotten my pedometer. My Walmart has been sold out for weeks. I'd still like to get it though. 

So tell me, have any of you done the Couch to 5K? 

Oh, and here's a little flashback Friday funny for you...

I thought y'all would get a kick out of seeing Holly's first (and last) bath. Lol!



  1. Never heard of that app but I used to do a 30 minute program that sounds a lot like that one. I might try it and see if my ankle will hold up without flaring.
    LOVE the picture of the cat.
    You can order that pedometer online from Walmart I think....xo Diana

  2. I've never heard of that app before but that's probably because I don't run. It sounds like the perfect tool to get you in shape for it though! I like that it's just 30 min every other day. Not bad! Didn't anyone ever tell you that cats don't like water??? I gave my cat a bath when I was little and it about tore me up! Lesson learned.

  3. OMG that pic of Holly is hysterical!!!! LOL...Good luck with your new app. you'll be running marathons in no time :o)

  4. My post just disappeared! :/ I admire your effort with the new exercise program. My knees won't allow me to run/job anymore so walking it is. So sorry about your unpleasant dental experience ~ been there, done that. My dentist retired and I've been a nervous wreck to see another ever since.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! We have "partial" sunshine today ~ so tired of the gloomy days.


    1. Walking is really good exercise. In fact, my jog isn't much faster than my walk. :) We've had a lot of gloomy days too, but yesterday the sun came out and it seems like the whole neighborhood was outside washing cars, walking dogs, etc. It's good to see the sun again. :)

  5. Good for you for upping your exercise game! I use to run many, many years ago and really miss, but just can't do that any more. That is such a funny pic of Holly. Our cat before Abby got frequent baths, and while she didn't like it, she didn't put up a fight about it. Abby freaks out if I accidentally (on purpose) drop one little droplet of water on her. No baths for her!

  6. Hey Lisa! I left a comment on this post the other day...just popped over to see if you had posted again and my comment isn't here. I must have missed a step.

    I did the Couch to 5K a couple of years ago. Stuck with it faithfully for about 5 weeks and then finally admitted to myself that I hate running. I know so many people that it has worked for though. It's definitely baby steps (that nearly killed me) that lead to success. I found myself repeating one or two of the weeks to build up stamina. Keep us posted!! :)

  7. Yikes....I'm not a fan of cats so your Holly looks pretty freaked out to me, I can't imagine giving a cat a bath. LOL at your comment of it being the first and last bath.

  8. Check you out on your workout routine! Mine is non existent these days but I definitely need to do something!
    I hope you're feeling better from the dentist :(

  9. Lisa,
    I'm just leaving a comment to see if it will show up. Trying something different ~
    Do you mind letting me know if it does?


  10. Way to go Lisa! I've been itching to get running again but just can't find the time (so I'm on the hunt for a treadmill!) I bought a pedometer from Target (store closing so it was super cheap!) and was thinking we should wear them some day just to see how many steps we take! Would be neat! Poor miss Holly!!
    Kendra @

    1. I so wish we lived closer so we could run together! I'll let you know when I get my pedometer (it should be this week) and I'd love to see how many steps we take! I'm afraid it'll say a lot less than I think. Lol!


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